EIFS Stucco InspectionCertain properties will tend to be made with a different assembly method called EIFS. This stands for Exterior Insulation and Finish System.
The cladding serves as added insulation as well as the finish. It is made by fastening the foam material to the framing/sheathing assembly and coating it with a thin coat of stucco on the exterior. Each system comes with its own advantages and challenges. The main test of a system is an invasive testing of the sheathing to verify its firmness as well as moisture levels. We will determine the assembly method of your EIFS system and provide you with an inspection method that serves to gauge the condition of your EIFS system. These systems are typically installed on commercial properties, though we have seen them installed in residential homes as well. We have seen both types of systems installed well and installed poorly. The only way to know for sure is to carry out an invasive inspection to ascertain the condition of the sheathing and framing, which is the true structure of the property that must be protected by the cladding. The process may look a little different and different methods may need to be used in order to account for the wider variability of materials that may be found when dealing with EIFS and commercial properties. We can provide an inspection service on these EIFS properties as well, so don't hesitate to contact us today! |